The St Thomas More Men’s Forum was established to be an organization for social interaction and spiritual growth for adult male members belonging to the St Thomas More Catholic Church in Monavoni. The members of the Forum are encouraged to be positive role models for younger male members of the church and encourage their participation in the Church. The Forum has also set an objective to promote inter-denominational tolerance, and to also participate in inter-denominational activities of other men fora/forums in the country.
Whilst the Forum is not intended to be a sodality it will, however, encourage its members to actively participate in the life of the parish, as well as support and promote a healthy men’s spirituality and a positive Catholic Family life. The Forum actively promotes discipleship among its members, and strict observance to the laws of the church & the parish. As a result, members of the Forum participate in the affairs of the parish in areas such as lay ministry, liturgy, choir, prayer meetings, Justice and Peace, St Vincent de Paul, etc.
Membership of the Forum is open to all adult male members of the parish. Membership is specifically encouraged from heads of families registered in the parish. All members are expected to pay an annual membership fee that is prescribed by the Executive Committee. The membership fee are revised annually by Exco and ratified by members at the AGM. The fees are used to fund the activities of the Forum.
The Catholic Order of the KNIGHTS OF THE GAMA (KDG) Corpus Christi, Council No. 4, Pretoria
History: The South African Order was founded on the 20th of November 1943. We are members of the International Alliance of Catholic Knights which was founded in America. The Knights of Da Gama are faithful to the Catholic Church and work in partnership with the Church.
Purpose: Charity, Fraternity and Duty. The Order is a brotherhood of catholic men, which enables its members to be better Christians in the Catholic tradition.
The Objectives of the Knights of Da Gama include:
- Promoting the lay Apostolate of the Catholic Church
- To foster personal sanctification
- To encourage members to assist each other spiritually and mentally
- Fundraising and channelling donations
The main activities of Pretoria Council include:
- Annual Chicken Braai
- Annual Blanket Fund
- Annual Golf Day
- Annual Christmas Party for Mission Schools
- Monthly Rosaries / House Masses
- Monthly General Assembly of Members
- Support and Assistance to Local Parishes
- Support of Gauteng Region Knights’ Projects
- Toys of Happiness
- Speakers Circle
- Support of Madidi Mission (Good Shepherd Sisters)
- Support of National Order Projects, including Retirement Homes and Investments
The Knights of da Gama is not just a fraternity in name. It is a brotherhood of Catholic men who each play a part in improving the world around them, one community at a time. We stand together in faith, dedicated to uphold the principles we cherish while lending our support and strength to parish, home and fellow Knight.