The following are the different ministries found in the Church:
- Liturgical Ministry
The word “liturgy” comes from the Greek word leitourgia which means “work of the people.” As Catholics, we use the word “liturgy” to refer to the celebration of the Mass, the center of our faith life. Together, as a church family, we are all called to participate in the liturgy through our prayer, song and spoken responses at Mass. Some of us also feel called to serve at Mass as liturgical ministers. Our liturgies couldn’t be successful without our wonderful group of liturgical ministers sharing their time and talent with our parish community!
If you would like to learn more about serving in any of the liturgical ministry positions listed below, training is provided, please contact Father Robert or the coordinators listed therein.
- Altar Servers
- Ushers
- Proclaimers of the Word
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
- Funeral Ministers
- Music Ministry
- Ministry of Visiting the Sick
- Sacristans
- Catechism
- Justice and Peace
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul
- Youth
- Family Life
Altar servers assist the priest at the altar during the celebration of Sunday Mass, Holy Day Masses, weddings, funerals, Stations of the Cross, and Benediction. The duties of the altar servers include processing into the church with cross and candles, holding the missal for the priest, setting the altar during the offertory (in the absence of a deacon), and assisting the priest or deacon with whatever they need during the liturgy. Altar servers are to maintain a reverent and attentive disposition during the Mass, so as to allow the congregation to enter into deeper worship. Altar serving is open to boys and girls who have completed their First Holy Communion. This ministry is also open to adults who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation. If you are interested in becoming an altar server, contact Veronica Poipao: 0837214126.